Friday, October 21, 2011

Postnasal Problems

I don’t know about you guys, but the “Wind Storm of 2011” we had a few weeks ago really kicked my allergies into full gear! I had snot dripping out my nose and running down the back of my throat – awesome. NOT! Post nasal drip is the “fancy” terminology for snot that runs backwards instead of forwards and it can wreak havoc on your throat. I felt like I had swallowed a hand full of broken glass. 

Here are some tips to help deal with allergies and the sore throat that can accompany:

1.   Get adjusted! Having a fully functioning nervous system helps keep your immune system from over-reacting to dust and pollen and helps your body heal that sore throat.
2.   Drink herbal tea with local honey in it. The tea is soothing for your throat and the local honey contains pollen that can help your immune system have less of a reaction when it comes in contact with the pollen in the air. It’s very important that it be LOCAL honey. It must contain the same pollen you are exposed to in the air for it to work.
3.   Gargle warm salt water as many times a day as you want to help with the scratchy throat.
4.   Use a netti pot nasal rinse to help clean your sinuses out. Again – you can use this as many times a day as you want. Personally, I’m addicted!
5.   Use a Breathe Right strip on your nose to combat nighttime congestion.
6.   Use OPC Synergy and Allerplex, two products from Standard Process, which contain natural anti-histamines. Both available at our office.
7.   Walk around with tissues shoved up your nose. Okay, I’m just kidding about this one, but it sure is tempting when you have a leaky faucet on your face where your nose used to be!

Tell me how your nose is treating you these days.

-         Dr. Emily

1 comment:

  1. I didn't think I had allergies ... but I definitely have that scratchy-throat thing going!Doug uses the stuff in a tube (USF Ointment?) in his nose a couple of times a day to prevent a bloody nose when he gets up in the morning.
