Monday, January 28, 2013

2012 In Review

For starters, I feel like 2012 bled over into 2013. Not until just recently did I feel like the new year had actually started. I was too busy trying to get 2012 things crossed off the list. Let’s see if I can finish 2013’s entire list before the end of the year! Ha Ha! HAPPY (belated) NEW YEAR!

In January of 2012, I decided to start a new tradition. Instead of making a resolution, I chose a word to represent my goals for the year. Last year’s word was PASSION. I wanted to spend the year sharing my passion for chiropractic and natural parenting with others. I’m checking that off as COMPLETE! I have had a fantastic time literally touching the lives of my patients young and, well… wise! J I’ve also had a great time at my Natural Parenting classes sharing information with other mothers (and fathers and grandparents) on ways to help children stay healthy naturally! We’re all born to be healthy and I want to help people stay that way. In fact, my mother and I decided to open a cloth diaper and natural parenting store as an outlet to share natural parenting with even MORE people! What an adventure that’s been!

Now, here we are in 2013. My word for this year will be PURPOSE. I plan to spend this year “on purpose”. My goal is to spend every moment I’m awake (with the exception of Laramie’s nighttime feedings, perhaps!) working toward achieving what I believe to be my purpose in life. I want my life to be spent caring for the spine and nervous system of pregnant women, infants, and all children under the age of 120. I want to share with those around me the information I have gained on my journey through chiropractic school, chiropractic practice, and now as a chiropractic parent raising a chiropractic child. I have a lot of big projects lined up for this year to help me achieve this goal. Better get started… 

What’s your word for 2013?

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